Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Lorelie Moda Armario will be giving these 2 lovely items to the lucky winners of our first ever contest.

Here's how to join and win these items.
Log in to your Facebook account.
Then complete the steps below.

1. Like our facebook page Lorelie M.A.

2. Like this photo, Share and put "I want to win these items from Lorelie Moda Amario !" then tag 10 friends of yours including Lorelie Moda Armario

3. Add our facebook account Lorelie Moda Armario

4. Comment "Fabuloso" on this photo once you're done with all the steps.

We will be STRICTLY checking if all the steps were completed. Incomplete steps will not be included in the entries.

Winners will be announced on the 28th of May, 2013!

Good Luck to all. More shares, More chances of winning!

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