Sunday, March 24, 2013

Assets and Liabilities : Nikon D3100

Guess what my mom and dad got me for my new business??!!! 

A new DSLR Camera!

Nikon D3100

I'm not sure If I can be truly happy or not with my new Nikon D3100 because first of all, its an asset but a liability as well. My mom got me this new camera for my new business Lorelie Moda Armario so I can have great photos to take to advertise my products. She shouldered all the expenses and made me pay for it little by little until I can cover the amount with my own money but nonetheless, I have a new SLR camera right??!!? Deym!

Have been watching video tutorials on youtube and trying out some of the camera features and have been loving it since I got it. 

I'm Soooo happy right now. Can't wait to use this in my next collection. <3

Here are some sample shots! No filters!

Can't really find a flower in our garden soo...

Flower substitute?



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